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What to Expect

We at Bristol Baptist Church welcome you come join us at any of our services.

Sundays begin with Sunday School classes for all ages at 10:00 followed by our Worship Service at 11:00. We strive to bring honor and glory to God through a combination of traditional and contemporary songs that are richly theological and focus upon Him instead of ourselves. Scripture teaches us that children are a blessing from the Lord, and that God intends families to worship and learn together both at home and at Church. We welcome children of all ages to remain in the sanctuary with their parents, and so during worship you will likely hear children as they actively listen and worship with the rest of the congregation.


On the first Sunday of each month we have a fellowship meal after service. We would love for you to stay and share a meal with us so that we can get to know you better. There's absolutely no obligation for you to bring anything, we always have more than enough.


If you have any questions regarding your visit, please email us at pastor@221bristol.org. We look forward to meeting you.